Get Involved

Churchill Baptist Church of Christ Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2014, and donations are tax-deductible.


Your Generosity Matters, Other Ways Of Giving


Western Union

Make transfers to the name of Theresa Wyatt, New York, NY 10039, (United States of America) and send the Tracking Number to


Zelle® is already in over a thousand of banks, just search the list below for the bank or credit union where you already have a bank account. If you already have Zelle® in your banking app, GREAT!

Credit Card

Electronic Bank Transfer

To give email us at for details.


To give by sending a check, make checks payable to: Churchill Baptist Church of Christ, Inc.

and mail it to:
Churchill Baptist Church of Christ, Inc.
200 West 147th Street, Ste. 5F
New York, NY 10039

Be a Part of Making a Change

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Why Give Online?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I donate?

Churchill Baptist Church of Christ Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2014, and donations are tax-deductible.

You can donate by going to this page
Donations can be made with credit card, Zelle, mail, debit card or PayPal.
Keep in mind that in many nations, banks will provide a free debit card for those who apply (A credit card is not necessary).
Donors will receive a tax-deductible receipt for each donation.
For questions, contact

What types of payments, do you accept?

Credit Card
Debit Card
Money order (via mail)
Bank transfer (via Zelle)
Western Union (ask for details)

Digital transactions are safe from this website?

Yes! We use financial processing institutions that have secure encryption on all of their transactions. SMI does not have access to nor stores your financial information.

How can I report a problem with this website?

If you encounter a link that is not working, a button that leads to nowhere, or are getting an error message, please report all technical issues here.

Contact Information?

The Reverend Theresa Ora Wyatt
Juris Doctor 
Founding Senior Pastor 
Board President
Churchill Baptist Church of Christ, Inc.
Telephone: 1 (212) 690-4562
Cellular: 1 (917) 913-4075,
1 (917) 860-1051